About Us
Understanding Nanotechnology is a Web site dedicated to making
nanotechnology concepts and applications understandable by anyone.
On this site there are excerpts from
Nanotechnology For Dummies
(Earl Boysen and Nancy Muir Boysen by Wiley Publishing); explanations of
nanotechnology concepts; links to articles and resources such as
manufacturers’ Web sites; and nanotechnology stories in the news. Click
on any of the items to the left to explore a topic of your choice.
Who's Who
The Understanding Nanotechnology Website is owned and published by
Hawk's Perch Technical Writing, LLC.
Earl Boysen, when co-authoring Nanotechnology For Dummies, observed the
lack of websites with easy to understand explanations of the wide range
of nanotechnology applications. He started Understandingnano.com to fill
that need. Understandingnano.com is dedicated to providing clear and
concise explanations of nanotechnology applications. The site is a
partnership between Earl and his wife, Nancy. Earl, who runs the site,
brings an understanding of the technical issues, based upon a Masters in
Engineering Physics and 20 years engineering experience in the
integrated circuit manufacturing industry. Nancy is the author of over
90 books on technology topics, and uses her writing skills to help make
the articles on the site easily understandable.
Given the site’s goal of educating people, it has been especially
gratifying to see traffic coming to the site from educational
institutions that direct their students to use its content to research
course assignments.
Understandingnano.com is not affiliated with any corporation,
institution, or government body and therefore our information and
articles don’t contain any organizational bias. We do cooperate with
other nanotechnology related websites and conferences to help inform
visitors of available nano related resources.
Earl also maintains another website,
www.buildinggadgets.com, dedicated to electronics projects.
Link to Us
We'd be delighted if you added a link to our site to your own Web page.
You can link either to our home page or the page for any topic of
interest. We've provided html code below for links:
Html code for a text link:
<a href="http://www.understandingnano.com">
Nanotechnology Made Clear at understandingnano.com</a>
Nanotechnology Made Clear at understandingnano.com
Html code for our banner:
<a href="http://www.understandingnano.com/"><img
alt="Nanotechnology Made Clear" src="http://www.understandingnano.com/logo2.jpg"
width="259" height="42" /></a>

Html code for our small banner:
<a href="http://www.understandingnano.com/"><img
alt="Nanotechnology Made Clear" src="http://www.understandingnano.com/logo6.jpg"
width="156" height="40" /></a>

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