The first biodegradable fluorescent nanoparticle to safely image tumors and organs in live mice could be used for cancer detection and treatment in humans.
Chemistry professor Michael Sailor and a team including National Science
Foundation- (NSF) supported researchers at the University of California,
San Diego (UCSD), report developing the first nanoscale "quantum dot"
particle that glows brightly enough to allow physicians to examine
internal organs and lasts long enough to release cancer drugs before
breaking down into harmless by-products.
The research is another step towards mainstreaming the use of
nanotechnology in medicine. Many researchers say using
nanomaterials for medical reasons is the health field's next major
frontier. The payoff, they say, could be lower drug toxicity, lower
treatment costs, more efficient drug use and better patient diagnosis.
"There are a lot of nanomaterials that have an ability to do
fluorescence imaging," says Sailor, referring to a useful property that
potentially could help doctors further see organs, diagnose patients and
perform surgeries. "But they're generally toxic and not appropriate for
putting into people."
The problem results from toxic organic or inorganic chemicals used to
make the materials glow. For example, fluorescent semiconductor
nanoparticles known as quantum dots can release potentially harmful
heavy metals when they break down. A paramount issue in determining the
efficacy of nanomaterials is the body's ability to harmlessly get rid of
residual leftovers after the nanomaterial helps diagnose or treat a
So Sailor's team designed a new, nontoxic quantum dot nanoparticle made
from silicon wafers, the same high-purity wafers that go into the
manufacture of computer chips. Researchers took the thin wafers and ran
electric current through them drilling billions of pores. They then used
ultrasound waves to break the wafer into bits as small as 100
The resulting spongy silicon particles contained nanoscale features
capable of displaying quantum confinement effects, or the so-called
"quantum dots." The ones in the UCSD experiment glowed a reddish color
when exposed to red, blue or ultraviolet light.
Images of a mouse hindquarter containing a tumor. The first image is a regular photograph, and the other three, taken in a time series after injecting the mouse with dextran-coated silicon nanoparticles, show intensity color maps of the red emission channel. The red color shows the brightest fluorescence of the silicon nanoparticles, which initially localize in the tumor and then slowly disappear. Time after injection is indicated in the upper left of each image. The tumor is an MDA-MB-435 xenograft. Note that a strong signal is observed in the tumor two hours after injection, indicating significant passive accumulation by the EPR effect.
Credit: Ji-Ho Park, UCSD
When the nanoparticles were tested in mice, researchers saw tumors glow for several hours, then dim as the particles degraded. The number of nanoparticles dropped noticeably in a week, and they were undetectable after four weeks. They performed a battery of toxicity assays and saw no evidence of toxicity. However, the researchers stopped short of concluding these new nanoparticles were completely harmless.
"Very high doses of any substance can be harmful," says Sailor. "The
important conclusion from this work is that the materials are nontoxic
at the concentrations we need to use to see tumors."
The fact that their quantum dots are made from silicon is key. "A major
contributing factor is the fact that these materials degrade into
silicic acid, a form of silicon that is commonly present in the human
body and that is needed for proper bone and tissue growth," Sailor says.
Examples where such materials should be useful include the early
diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Nanoparticles that glow can reveal
tumors too small to detect by other means. During surgery, they can
allow the doctor to better find and remove all traces of a cancerous
growth. In addition, they can enable targeted delivery of drugs and make
it possible to use smaller, safer doses.
Some cancer drugs such as doxorubicin, which is used in chemotherapy,
can stick to the pore walls in the new biodegradable nanomaterial and
slowly escape as the silicon dissolves. When doxorubicin is delivered to
the whole body in doses high enough to be effective, it often has toxic
side effects, and its incorporation in the new silicon nanoparticles may
provide a more effective, less dangerous way to deliver this important
More needs to be done before this new material can undergo clinical
trials in humans. Researchers need to further test its toxicity, how
well it delivers drugs to diseased tissues, and how well it can be
imaged in clinical settings.
Graduate students Ji-Ho Park and Luo Gu in Sailor's lab; Sangeeta
Bhatia, bioengineering professor at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and graduate student Geoffrey von Malzahn in Bhatia's lab;
and Erkki Ruoslahti, tumor microenvironment professor at the University
of California, Santa Barbara, assisted the research.
Along with NSF, the National Cancer Institute helped fund the research.
Source: National Science Foundation; April 30, 2009
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